Monday, 23 April 2007

Windows 2003 POP3 CatchAll

To facilitate a catch-all address on Windows 2003 you need to run the scripts downloaded from here:

These have been downloaded to Sever1\\Install\Microsoft\Windows2003\MailCatchAll

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

PageRequestManagerParserErrorException exporting grid

Had code to export grid but was receiving the error PageRequestManagerParserErrorException.
This appears to be due to the Export button being on a Ajax UpdatePanel and the ScriptManager having PartialUpdates set to false.
There doesn't currently appear to be any work around to fix this other than the button being removed from the UpdatePanel.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

NHibernate:Unknown entity class:

Error "Unknown entity class: " occurs when either no mapping file exists for specifed or the mapping file is not flagged as embedded resource.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

AJax Calendar extender date format

The date format of the Calendar extender seesm to be mm/dd/yyyy.
To change it to culture specific:
  • Set Page Culture="auto"
  • Set Page UICulture="auto"
  • Set ScriptManager EnableScriptGlobalization="true"
  • Set ScriptManager EnableScriptLocalization="true"